Intercultural Design - Proposal

06/01/20 - 22/01/20 (Week 1 - Week 3)
Atiqah Farzana Binti Syalleh Karimyee (0336740)
Intercultural Design
Project 1


Lecture 1 - Introduction to Intercultural Design
Week 1
(06/01/20) - (09/01/20)

The lecturers gave the class a briefing on the module and a bit on our trip to Japan. Immediately, we were grouped in groups of 4 with other students from different courses and intakes. 

Mr. Charles gave a lecture on mythology, which is our main topic for our project. As it is a broad subject, we had the freedom to play around with it's meaning and relevance to Japanese culture. We had to discuss with our team members for a more focused and narrowed down topic for mythology by the next class.

We took our ideas and put it into a presentation slide to show the lecturers. Ms. Anis found a similarity of discipline in the Namahage and geisha, and told us to link their discipline aspects together.

Lecture 2 - Culture and Us
Week 2
(13/01/20) - (16/01/20)

Today's lecture was about "Culture and Us". There are many aspects and layers of culture, as well as how it shapes the person you are today.

Week 3 - Final Proposal

This is our slides for our final proposal.

Ms. Anis and Mr. Asrizal said that our research questions and problem statements were a bit off. They did not want us to use yes or no questions, not something that could be answered here in Malaysia itself. They had to be more complex and relevant to our topic.


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