Digital And Social Media Communications - Projects

30/03/21 - 29/06/21 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Atiqah Farzana Binti Syalleh Karimyee (0336740)

Digital and Social Media Communications


Week 1: Module Briefing

Today Mr. Asrizal briefed us on the module and gave a brief lecture on analytics. With that, he put the class into pairs and assigned us our first task.

Week 2: Data Collection

Today's lecture was about data collection, the different types of data, and the different types of analytics.

Week 3: Examples of Different Types of Analytics

Today we went through the different types of analytics in detail.  In total, there are 4 which are:
  1. Descriptive analytics
  2. Diagnostic analytics
  3. Predictive analytics
  4. Prescriptive analytics

Mr. Asrizal reminded us that next week we would be having the project briefing from a client which would transition us to our project 1.

Week 4: Personas

Today we learnt about personas and how to create them. The lecture consists of the different types of consumers, their behaviours, need-states and pain points. We also learnt about empathy mapping which will be used for our data collection.

Week 9: Data Distillation - (4 C's) Company, Category, Consumers, Culture

After submitting the first part of our project, we will proceed with the 2nd part which is researching on the 4 C's:

  • Company
  • Category
  • Consumers
  • Culture


Module Information Booklet:


Week 1 (30/03/2021)

Mr. Asrizal put us into pairs and gave us 3 questions to answer before next class. The questions were:
  1. What is analytics?
  2. What kind of data will you be able to extract from analytics?
  3. How does analytics help design/marketing/advertising campaigns? (examples can also be included)
I paired up with Adeel, and here is our presentation slides:

Week 2 (06/04/2021)

Mr. Asrizal showed us the analytics from the Google Merchandise Store Demo Account. He explained the various analytics on the website such as the realtime overview, users flow, and many more. 

In our pairs, we were assigned to examine what kind of data we could find in the analytics. Here is our slide presentation:

Project 1: Social Media Analytics
Week 3 (13/04/2021)

After learning about the different types of analytics in detail, our final task is to find real-life examples of each analytics and compile the findings into a presentation.

Here is our presentation:

Project 2: Empathy Mapping & Persona
Week 4 (20/04/2021) - Week 8 (18/05/2021)

We had our project 1 briefing today about The Risers, which is a high school marketing outreach programme created by Taylor's College.

Here are The Risers briefing slides:

After the briefing, we were put into our respective pairs to plan for our project. We had to dissect the brief and plan what research needs to be done. Then, we need to define our 4 personas and plan how we are going to conduct our data collection.

The following weeks will mainly be on consultation for this project, till the presentation date on week 8.

Project 2 presentation slides:

Here are the summarised versions of our project 2 slides:

Project 3: Defining The 4 Lenses
Week 8 (18/05/2021) - Week 10 (01/06/2021)

Final Project: Pitch Deck & Design Application and Development
Week 10 (01/06/2021) - Week 15 (06/07/2021)

My group proposed some ideas for The Risers to improve their social media presence, such as for Instagram, Youtube, and Twitch. Here are our mockups of those social media:
Fig. 1.1 - Instagram Feed Ad
Fig. 1.2 - Instagram Story Ad
Fig. 1.3 - Instagram Story Ad

Fig. 1.4 - Youtube Video Ad

Fig. 1.5 - Youtube Landing Page Ad

Fig. 1.6 - Instagram Profile

Fig. 1.7 - Instagram Story 1

Fig. 1.8 - Instagram Story 2

Fig. 1.9 - Instagram Filter Game: Duckie Dash


Fig. 1.10 - Youtube Thumbnail Guidelines

Fig. 1.11 - Let's Learn: Youtube Thumbnails
Fig. 1.12 - Let's Vibe!: Youtube Thumbnails

Fig. 1.13 - Let's Vibe!: Youtube Thumbnail

Fig. 1.14 - Let's Vibe!: Youtube Content

Fig. 1.15 - Spotify Podcast

Fig. 1.16 - Spotify Podcast: Episode List

Fig. 1.17 - Let's Talk!: Youtube Thumbnail

Fig. 1.18 - Let's Talk!: Youtube Content

Fig. 1.19 - Website: Full Page

Fig. 1.20 - Website: Navigation Bar

Fig. 1.21 - Website: Header & Intro

Fig. 1.22 - Website: Video Section

Fig. 1.23 - Website: Collapsed 2nd Navigation

Fig. 1.24 - Website: Registration

Fig. 1.25 - Website: App Section

Fig. 1.26 - App: Redesign

Fig. 1.27 - Twitch: The Risers Page

Fig. 1.28 - Twitch: About Page

Here is our final project presentation slides:

Final compilation deck:


Week 1 (30/03/2021)
Specific feedback: No feedback given.

Week 2 (06/04/2021)
Specific feedback: No feedback given.

Week 3 (13/04/2021)
Specific feedback: No feedback given.

Week 4 (20/04/2021)
Specific feedback: No feedback given.

Week 5 (27/04/2021)
Specific feedback: We had to adjust our survey questions a bit, specifically for the demographic questions that should be included at the start so we know more about who our respondent is.

Week 6 (04/05/2021)
Specific feedback: Our initial personas were Taylor's international student, Taylor's local student, Taylor's Pre-U student, and alumni. Mr. Asrizal told us to keep it as the same personas that Ms. June gave us in the briefing, which was Taylor's international student (17 year old), Taylor's local student (17 year old), peers, and parents.

Week 7 (11/05/2021)
Specific feedback: No feedback given.

Week 8 (18/05/2021)
Specific feedback: We had the presentation for the first part of the project, and my group received some feedback on our work. Ms. June said that our main priority should be high schoolers, then college students, university students, and parents respectively. Although we had our personas based on college and uni students, she said it was still useful to have diverse perspectives. Another thing to note was that our persona for the parent was too young. It was not wrong, but we had to keep in mind that a younger parent would usually have more time and energy for their child which leads them to be more supportive towards their choices. We were given till the end of this week to refine and touch up our slides for submission.

Week 9 (25/05/2021)
Specific feedback: Mr. Asrizal said that for the company research, we had to study the 2 aspects of The Risers which is the college itself as well as their social media representation/presence (and similar campaigns too).

Week 13 (27/06/2021)
Specific feedback: We had a weekend consultation today and the feedback we got was that we should start our mockups already, as we only have the ideas laid out currently. Mr. Asrizal also asked us why we didn't propose Discord instead of Twitch, to which we answered that Twitch would be more appropriate as it is a live streaming app and Discord was more on talking and would make the participants feel uninterested or shy.

Week 14 (02/07/2021)
Specific feedback: We should emphasise on our reasons why we did the vids/IG/etc. We should say why we wanted to do these improvements; for example. if our personas pain points were that there are lacking videos on entering college. Other feedback that I heard in the call was that the most important thing is the idea behind the work, and not so much on the completeness (doing mockups). Having the mockups will relay the idea better visually but overall the main idea or concept is already okay.


Experience/Observation/Findings: Week 1 (30/03/2021); As we were informed in class, this module wouldn't really be heavy on the design aspect but more on analytics and looking at numbers and patterns. I don't know how to feel about being analytical since I'm more of a right-brained person, but we'll see. Week 2 (06/04/2021)Seeing a page full of analytics and graphs is a bit overwhelming at first, but after understanding the content it makes more sense. Week 3 (13/04/2021)I was able to understand each type of analytics better after seeing the examples for each. Week 4 (20/04/2021); I've never really heard of The Risers before, but it seems like a really interesting platform which I'm excited to work on for our project. Week 5 (27/04/2021); Doing the empathy mapping for each personas makes it much easier to really understand their character, wants and needs, and overall personality. Week 6 (04/05/2021); I think finding survey respondents as well as interviewees is a bit difficult, as my group and I don't really know many people that match the personas. Week 7 (11/05/2021); No class today. Week 8 (18/05/2021); It was interesting seeing how we had the same topic but everyone had different analysis', personas and research. Week 9 (25/05/2021); Moving onto the 2nd part of the project, we had to continue our research specifically for the company, category, consumers and culture of The Risers. Week 10 (01/06/2021) - Week 15 (06/07/2021); Suddenly all of our modules started getting really heavy with work and it was difficult to manage our time especially since we were doing our final projects now. Thankfully, all of our modules pushed the submissions to week 15 so we had an extra week.


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