Brand Corporate Identity - Final Compilation and Reflection

28/08/20 - 27/11/20 (Week 1- Week 14)

Atiqah Farzana Binti Syalleh Karimyee (0336740)

Brand Corporate Identity

Final Compilation and Reflection


Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Final Project 


Project 1: Breaking Brand

Final Breaking Brand PDF Submission:

Fig. 1.1 Breaking Brand - Final Submission PDF

Project 2: Logo

Logo & Analysis:

Fig. 1.3 Logo Research and Analysis PDF

Developing Logo

1. Brief brand profile

Fig. 1.4 Brief Brand Profile

2. Final Logo

Fig. 1.5 Tell A Tale: Logo, Reversed Logo

Fig. 1.6 Tell A Tale: Logo Space Rationalisation

Fig. 1.7 Tell A Tale: Logo Clear Space Rationalisation

Fig. 1.8 Tell A Tale: Logo Minimum Sizing

Fig. 1.9 Tell A Tale: Reversed Logo Minimum Sizing

Fig. 1.10 Tell A Tale: Logo and Reversed Logo Colours

Fig. 1.11 Tell A Tale: Logo and Reversed Logo Colour Palette

Fig. 1.12 Tell A Tale: Logo Rationale

Fig. 1.13 Tell A Tale: Logo Patterns

Fig. 1.14 Tell A Tale: Typefaces

Final logo compilation PDF:

Fig. 1.15 Tell A Tale: Logo Compilation Final Submission PDF

Final logo animation:

Fig. 1.16 Tell A Tale: Logo GIF

Project 3: Positioning and Identity

Stationeries set:

1. Business Card

Fig. 1.18 Final Attempt - Business Card Design (Front)

Fig. 1.19 Final Attempt -Business Card Design (Back)

    2. Letterhead and Continuation sheet

Fig. 1.20 Final Attempt - Letterhead, Continuation Sheet, Back Side Design

Fig. 1.21 Final Attempt - Letterhead Design

Fig. 1.22 Final Attempt - Continuation Sheet Design

    3. Invoice

Fig. 1.23 Final Attempt - Invoice Design

    4. Envelope

Fig. 1.24 Final Attempt - Envelope Design

Fig. 1.25 Final Attempt - Envelope Design (Dieline, outside)

Fig. 1.26 Final Attempt - Envelope Design (Dieline, inside)

    5. Flatlay

Fig. 1.27 Final Attempt - Stationeries Compilation

Fig. 1.28 Final Attempt - Stationery Compilation Mockup

Fig. 1.29 Final Attempt - Stationery Compilation PDF

Final collaterals:

    1. Notebook

Fig. 1.30 Final Attempt - Notebook 1

Fig. 1.31 Final Attempt - Notebook 2

    2. Sketchbook

Fig. 1.32 Final Attempt - Sketchbook (Front)

Fig. 1.33 Final Attempt - Sketchbook (Back)


Fig. 1.34 Final Attempt - Shirts (Front and Back)

Fig. 1.35 Final Attempt - Person wearing shirt

    4. Enamel pins

Fig. 1.36 Final Attempt - Enamel Pin 1

Fig. 1.37 Final Attempt - Enamel Pin 2

Fig. 1.38 Final Attempt - Enamel Pin 3

Fig. 1.39 Final Attempt - Enamel Pins

    5. Stickers

Fig. 1.40 Final Attempt - Stickers

Fig. 1.41 Final Attempt - Stickers on laptop


Fig. 1.42 Final Attempt - Bookmarks

Fig. 1.43 Final Attempt - Bookmark 1

Fig. 1.44 Final Attempt - Bookmark 2

Fig. 1.45 Final Attempt - Collateral Compilation

Fig. 1.46 Final Attempt - Collateral Compilation PDF

Final environmental design:

Fig. 1.47 Final Attempt - Environment Design 

Fig. 1.48 Final Attempt - Environment Design PDF

Final social media presence:

    1. Facebook

Fig. 1.49 Final Attempt - Social Media (Facebook)

Fig. 1.50 Final Attempt - Social Media (Facebook) Mockup

    2. Instagram

Fig. 1.51 Final Attempt - Social Media (Instagram)

Fig. 1.52 Final Attempt - Social Media (Instagram) Mockup 1

Fig. 1.53 Final Attempt - Social Media 2 (Instagram)

Fig. 1.54 Final Attempt - Social Media (Instagram) Mockup 2

Fig. 1.55 Final Attempt - Social Media (Instagram) Mockup

Fig. 1.56 Final Attempt - Social Media Compilation PDF

Final Tell A Tale Brand Compilation PDF:

Fig. 1.57 Final Attempt - Tell A Tale Brand Compilation PDF

Final Project

Brand Guide Book:

Fig. 1.58 Brand Guide Book - Final Submission PDF


Experience: This module has definitely been the toughest one so far. The main reason is that branding and identity is very new and unfamiliar to me and my other classmates too. Previously, going from Typo to Advanced Typo was quite okay because the modules were linked, but this module was something completely new. Therefore, most times I felt lost and unsure of what I was doing. Over time I learned the ropes of Indesign and the steps of how to make a proper logo, but I 

Observation: I think I lacked the most motivation for this module. Because it's in the afternoon I would often take a nap and fall asleep right through the class (this happened way too many times). Not to mention that we have Publishing Design in the morning on the same day; I always felt like I prioritised Publishing more because I liked creating a book more than making a logo. 

Findings: Although this semester has been very heavy and often draining, I am grateful for the things I have learnt because they would definitely shape me to become a better graphic designer. I think I've learned more things in these few months than I've had in this whole year. 


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